An introduction of the treatment guidelines for hepatitis B and C in Japan

Today, I would like you to intoduce the guidelines of the treatment of hepatis B and hepatitis C in Japan in English.
This draft is uploaded on
Originally, I was asked to write this short article via LinkedIn.
When I submitted this draft, I was told that the publisher changed their mind to publish the magazine.
Then, this article remins unpublished.
I know that my English draft is quite poor, but I thought that some people who do not read Japanese may have some interest on the Japanase guidelines for the treatment of hepatitis B and C.
You can read and download this pdf file from the following URI.
An introduction of the treatment guidelines for hepatitis B and C in Japan
I hope that this short report help someone to know the situation in Japan.
千葉県木更津市 肝臓内科 肝炎治療の「はやさかクリニック」 院長 肝臓専門医 早坂章